Free Download Frogmore Computer Services Print Distributor Full Version Standalone Offline Installer for Windows. It allows you to distribute, archive, route, and control your printed output.
Overview of print distributor
Load balancing or print or printer Pooling Automatic Lets you Spread Your Print Load evenly about a group of printers. The printer will send the documents to each printer in the pool.
Pausing a printer in the pool or error status on the printer will cause it to be skipped automatically; Once it is released or the error is resolved, it will rejoin the pool automatically. ; Add as many as you need.
It provides a flexible mechanism for controlling your printed output with print distributor. They look like a standard windows printer to your users, and their operation is entirely transferent with the software you print from.
Features of Print Distributor
- Printer Liaad Balancing
- on -lige Control your printed printed printed printed output> …
- Conditional Printing
- Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7): 2> RAM> RAM> RAM> RAM> RAM> RECOMMENDED)
- Free
on -LI> on -Lige controlled output
Technical Details and System Requirements
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